As the threat landscape constantly changes, ESET specialists continually come up with the most effective tools to fight the increasing volume, diversity, and sophistication of malware. Discover what’s inside the ThreatSense® scanning engine and how ESET solutions protect you both on- and off-line.
Developing cutting-edge malware detection technology has always been the foundation upon which our company stands. For more than 20 years, ESET development teams have been engineering security solutions that focus on highly effective detection with a low system footprint, which is why our ESET ThreatSense® scanning engine intelligently combines a variety of detection techniques without hampering productivity.
See how ESET stands out from the competition using the ESET Comparison Tool and make the right decision on how to secure your network, endpoint, laptop or mobile device.
ESET security solutions have received the highest number of coveted "Virus Bulletin VB100" awards than any other competitor's product. Find out why ESET has been recognized as the best in the industry for over 20 years.